Friday, April 18, 2008

22 Weeks

It's been a crazy two weeks. We had three visitors for the last week of term 1. My lounge room was like the United Nations; a guy from England a girl from Canada and three Aussies! It was great to see them again but it was exhausting too, trying to wrap up the school term and then come home and cook dinner, make conversation etc.

My Mum and Dad have gone to Bali with my sisters and their families. I miss them and worry about them.

But other than that, everything is going well. We saw the doctor on Thursday and he said everything looked "perfect" both on the scan and according to my blood pressure and measurements.

I can feel the baby kicking and moving often and it is such a good feeling. I feel like asking everyone "Did you feel that?" As though it's an earth tremour everyone could experience!

I've spent the first part of the holidays camping and then back at home "nesting". I've begun preparing a nursery and cleaned out cupboards that were long overdue. I really enjoy being in my home and sorting through things and organising stuff, but it is hard work and I have been sleeping for ten and eleven hours each night.

This week though - a well earned rest. I am going to the Blue Mountains near Sydney for one week. I won a place at Varuna the Writer's House (one of five places from 375 applicants!!). At Varuna I can work on my manuscript. It's a young adult fiction about a 17 year old boy and I've called the story Measuring Up. It's about his journey through that final school year and the way he changes his perception of himself and his relationships, how he defines himself.

I've meddled around in the writing world for a while with some small successes but no publishing deals yet. I mainly write for young adults.

Anyway I had best sign off. We are going to Bateman's Bay to look at a car. Another big "people mover" to replace Matt's ute. Matt's in a frenzy about getting away on time and running to schedule. I love him but sometimes I just want to give him an enema to help relieve his anal retentive tendancies.


Brad said...

I can't count the number of smiles this post gave me.

I'm glad all is well. The worry weeks are over and you’re well on your way.

So next up Love, I've got my baby shower present picked out, but I need initials whenever you get names picked out. Let me know.

Secondly, If you guys peaked and know the critters gender that would be good to pass along.

Oh, yeah, and a mailing address.


Miss Purdue said...

Hey there Uncle Brad - you save your money and spoil yourself!! All I want from you are the good vibes, fast and furious. No gifts allowed. Buy something cute for Bear.
Oh and we didn't peek! I was just relieved it wasn't the puppies I had dreamt of!
A friend told me she was going to buy my bub a suit that read "I replaced the dog." And I said that if she did that, I'd dress Shirley in a shirt that said "I ate the baby!"
Keep in touch mate and have a great week.

bonnie said...

So you have an anal retentive one also? An enema is a delightful image. I think you are incredibly energetic to even consider entertaining at "this time." I hope you are getting some rest. You said you went camping...I camped in New Zealand for a couple of weeks and it was a completely different experience from camping in the U.S. I'll have to blog about camping so you can compare.