Saturday, May 17, 2008

26 Weeks or 14 to go!

Just a quick update as I'm not feeling well today (sore throat).

* Ultra sound tomorrow to try and determine this pain under my ribs and before you ask, no it's not the baby's foot!
* Ante natal classes begin Tuesday night
* Doctor's appointment last week was okay (except for this rib pain), now have to start going fortnightly
* I'm teary and tired all the time
* Baby moving lots and lots and making me smile unexpectedly, I can even feel an occasional "rub" as a foot or elbow glides along my uterus
* My aunty Ivy (aged 87) passed away during the week. She was not well and it was not unexpected but sad all the same
* I've started prenatal gym classes which I'm really enjoying
* We have a "new car" - a Honda CRV and I think Matty's going to wash the paint right off it!

That'll do for now.