Monday, June 9, 2008

29 weeks, 11 to go!

Yes - just eleven weeks until d-day. I can't believe it.

Alright... it's probably time for an epic update.

The ultrasound I had a few weeks ago did not reveal any reason for the pain under my ribs. The lady doing the test had a hard time finding all my vital organs and said that they were quite displaced and squashed. At one stage I had to stand up with an arm over my head and at other times she scanned my back! We looked at the baby and saw it kick me. At that point I suddenly thought "It's a boy!" as I could see a penis. Then I thought that penis is ENORMOUS and I realised I was looking at the umbilical cord!

Anyway I then had a week off work with a bad flu and tiredness like I've never really experienced before! The pain was still bad after a week off and some naturopathic trigger point therapy. When I went back to work I still had the pain and a friend suggested I look into some essential oils, but she warned me to be careful as you shouldn't use certain oils during pregnancy. I didn't realise this and thought suddenly of the Body Shop oil I had been rubbing regularly onto my tummy each night as a little massage. I checked my books and a few websites but that particular oil Tahitian monoi oil was not listed as being harmful. BUT the websites did say that some oils can put strain on your liver and that's where the doctor said my pain was coming from. So... I've since stopped using the oil and although the pain is still there, it hasn't been as bad as it was.

The ante-natal classes have been great fun. There's a great group of couples there and we always have a lot of laughs, even though the presenters aren't very dynamic or entertaining. It's particularly good for the blokes I rekon and Matthew and I have had some good discussions about LAB (Life After Baby) stemming from things brought up at the classes. So far we have covered breastfeeding, bringing the baby home and caring for yourself during pregnancy.

I'm also enjoying the prenatal exercise class I've joined at the local gym. I esepcially like the coffee and cake we have afterwards and of course, gossiping with the other expectant mothers. It's a very social time in my life and I'm enjoying meeting these new people.

This is the June Long Weekend and on Saturday we spent some time preparing the nursery. We took out the queen size guest bed and put in the change table. It was a lot of fun going through all the things we've been given. Last week we got a pram (Matt's folks bought it for us) and we're still learning how to fold it up and attach all the bits.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. There's four weeks of school left and I've done the Portfolios and the reports. I'm trying hard not to eat the house down. I'm about 74kgs now. 10 more than I was before I fell pregnant. We see the doctor again on Friday.