Sunday, March 2, 2008

15 Weeks

Not much tonight.

I've had quite an emotional weekend, travelling up to Evans Head to see my neice and nephew for my Neice's 21st birthday. Emotional because these are my brother's children - he suicided 17 years ago, when they were very young. They have grown to be such beautiful people. I am proud of them. They are both so excited about my baby.

Sometimes there are no words.


Brad said...

Hello Love - You've been on my mind - glad your doing good - XOXO UB

dawn said...

i hope they choose to be a huge part of your baby's bring everything full circle.


bonnie said...

The suicide part of the story makes me feel sad. But it's a real thing and your family sounds very healthy. Don't you feel lucky to know wonderful people?

Miss Purdue said...

Oh yes Bonnie - especially lucky to have people like you guys!!!